So, in other words, you just have to pay attention to the order of the pronoun forms listed (xe/xem/xyr, ey/em/eir), and then you can figure out how to use them based on how you use she/her and he/him/his! Pronouns are also always written out in that order, ex. White is for non-binary identifying people who us… This project is now a continual work in progress because of that, but is fairly complete. List of sexualtites Hi guys, before I start I would just like to point out that there are many different types of attraction. xe? Many thanks to oldbore and verysmallbird for pointing out the triggers and problematic bits of the first two texts a rly rly big list of neo pronouns . I’ve also seen “fey” pronouns but I have no idea how to decline them. Hi! gorgeous! ot/ott/otts/otts/ottself (rhymes with "not"), nix/nix/niz/niz/nixself (rhymes with "fix" and "fizz"), i think they're pretty cool, and i wanted to put them out there for anyone who'd want to use them as well. I came out as having neopronouns online, and while most people were supportive, some said that that conservatives use those to make to make fun of trans people. Any word can be turned into a pronoun set, so there are theoretically infinite sets of nounself pronouns. Neopronouns like xe/xem/xeir and ze/zir/zirs also allow people to refer to folks in the third person without placing them in a gender binary — Xe is such an incredible writer, you think while reading an awesome book by a nonbinary human. currently open for: adding pronouns to the list (if you want me to add a set, please send me the full usage of the set through the askbox) you are valid! Cat plopped onto the fresh grass, not minding the way it brushed against cats skin. astounding! Blog is run by a nonbinary lesbian and a toygender + bugender leaning kid. The word in question does not have to be a noun. It's obvious to me they use it as a buffer so that if you criticize it/them then they can call you "abelist". In 2020, I chose to move my list of orientations to Google Docs, and massively expand it. it isnt sure if it wants to actually use them though, and for now is mostly exclusively using it/its since it just prefers the dehumanization aspect considering it doesnt consider itself human. Think about what traits matter to you, even if they are not on this list. ☆What neopronouns are there? here you can learn about neopronouns, ask things, submit neopronouns, or request a guide, graphic, aesthetic, or drabble for your pronouns! Thank you, Cornelia! here you can learn about neopronouns, ask things, submit neopronouns, or request a guide, graphic, aesthetic, or drabble for your pronouns! note: some pronoun guides are temporarily out of service while I do blog maintenance! you! I’ve added them to the list <33 love them. this association could be aesthetic, metaphorical, etc. may i ask what neopronouns zero is chill w/? Jan 25, 2014. you, user of neopronouns! the pronoun list, i would say, is about 75% complete. 14,251 notes. vulpacagender: a gender that is related to foxes, but is more quiet and less hectic. Nounself pronouns are a type of neopronouns that are clearly derived from a preexisting word or words to be used as a gender neutral pronoun set. A few examples of these are described in greater detail on Wikipedia, where you can also find examples of how to use some of them in sentences. Flags for people that are on the DNI list. magical! It makes them above criticism panromantic, demiromantic etc. punkauracrystal I like making weird stuff. also btw much love to folks who use Pokémon themed pronouns. All anon hate will be deleted by mods. Hey! Genderpax: a peaceful gender that is bright and airy.Etymology: Latin, “pax” meaning “peace”, Hey! Neopronouns! (temp) Blog is run by a nonbinary lesbian and a toygender + bugender leaning kid . <3 And thank you for offering the pronunciations! I.E. The flag is used by the blog yourfave-uses-neopronouns. ', Baron's new book chronicles the history of the gender-neutral, third-person word, "they.". 345 notes abandenian xenogender aesthetigender my flags my terms new flag new term mogai flag mogai term mogai my next steps will include making sure i add everything on pronoun-provider’s list, and that i queue the huge amount of drafts i have and then add everything from those. a dangerous combo. #Aw cutie. nya/nya/nyas | request a neopronoun drabble. They are not harmful to the trans community. all neopronouns are cool actually put yours in the tags. And I’m off to still hunt for more! Yes, just like the folk law Nya had to force back a laugh as nyas friend scanned the area for nya, completely missing nyas position. For e.g. so valid!!!! If anyone has requests I’d like some asks to answer tomorrow :]], i didn’t know boygender was a thing that’s kind of me. juxefluix: fluid/flux between agender woman, nonbinary woman, and rarely binary woman, (“He asked for a tea set for his birthday, but I told him to get one himself.”), “Re asked for a tea set for reds birthday, but I told red to get one redself.”, “Or asked for a tea set for orange birthday, but I told ora to get one orangeself.”, “Ye asked for a tea set for yellow birthday, but I told yel to get one yellowself.”, “Gree asked for a tea set for greens birthday, but I told green to get one greenself.”, “Blu asked for a tea set for blues birthday, but I told blue to get one blueself.”, “Pur asked for a tea set for purple birthday, but I told purp to get one purpself.”, “Rai asked for a tea set for rainbow birthday, but I told rain to get one rainself.”, “Ne asked for a tea set for neon birthday, but I told neo to get one neonself.”, “Pa asked for a tea set for pastel birthday, but I told pas to get one pastelself.”, “Co asked for a tea set for color birthday, but I told col to get one colorself.”, - Suggest a pronoun by sending me an ask or messaging me, Thank you for 45 followers!!