You may need a prescription medication. Yeast infections are commonly caused when an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albicans affects the vagina, mouth, or skin. However, in recent years researchers have begun to investigate the use of ginger extract as an antifungal. Mix well and consume it twice every day for a week to see improvement. Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy that you can use to treat a yeast infection. Consuming fresh ginger regularly can help you fight bacterial infections, reduce swelling and improve overall health and well-being. CLOVES: Very effective (internal) anti-fungal. Say, for example, there are types of respiratory problems and all of them are caused by infection from bacteria and viruses, which may trigger secretion of mucus, phlegm and an increased risk of inflammation. Ginger has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, from gastrointestinal upset to sinus problems. Last medically reviewed on July 2, 2018. CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES: Broccoli, radishes, brussels sprout, cabbage, etc. Talk to your doctor if your yeast infection doesn’t improve after using home remedies or OTC medications. This yeast infection can cause burning, irritation, redness, swelling and a thick white discharge. You may also apply diluted oregano oil topically on the affected area for a quick relief. GINGER: Has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, plus it supports your liver. This is what gynecologists really think about this popular yeast infection home remedy. A very small test dose should precede consumption. Health Benefits of Ginger This article looks at 8 home remedies, … Its anti-inflammatory nature combined with its antibacterial properties make it a powerful remedy to many medicinal ailments. Sinus problems often occur with the common cold and can leave you with a stuffed up nose, swelling around your eyes and pain in your face and head. Ginger can literally make you feel better from the inside out. In fact, several research studies have looked specifically at ginger’s effect on Candida albicans. Components of ginger effectively prevent candida overgrowth, according to a study published in the 2009 issue of the American Journal of Applied Sciences 2.Researchers compared the effects of a ginger extract to a common antifungal medication against oral candida yeast infection, also known as thrush. Many treatments are available for a yeast infection, some of which a person can administer at home. Learn more about whether or not it's safe to put garlic in your vagina for yeast infections. When used for yeast infection, it can help provide a long-lasting relief. Ginger can be used as an antibiotic agent because of its ability to treat infections in the body. Take a glass of water and add 3 drops of the oil to the water. Traditional uses for ginger include motion sickness, nausea during pregnancy, chronic inflammation, and a low immune system. have sulphur- and nitrogen-containing compounds that attack Candida. The research above indicates that using ginger essential oils is also a good strategy for fighting viral infections. A few drops of ginger essential oil can be used topically and internally. Clove oil can also be used as a topical aid for infections.

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