Email encryption obscures that information as it’s sent, leaving it up to the recipient to decrypt the information at their end. Here are eight tips and best practices to help you train your employees for cybersecurity. We recommend adopting a password manager like LastPass or 1Password. That includes following them. Cybersecurity best practices encompass some general best practices — like being cautious when engaging in online activities, abiding by company rules, and reaching out for help when you encounter something suspicious. A strong password contains at least 10 characters and includes numbers, symbols, and capital and lowercase letters. You need to commit to a wide variety of approaches to keep your team abreast of what’s out there and what to do about it. That usually includes protections such as strong antivirus and malware detection, external hard drives that back up data, and running regular system checks. Your responsibility includes knowing your company’s cybersecurity policies and what’s expected of you. Here’s a deeper dive into the 10 cybersecurity best practices for businesses that every employee should know and follow. It’s important to restrict third-party access to certain areas and remember to deactivate access when they finish the job. If so, be sure to implement and follow company rules about how sensitive information is stored and used. Also remember to securely store confidential material. The most high-risk technical components in an organization are employees’ devices, so it’s important to make it as easy as possible for employees to use their own devices securely. Here’s an example. Here are best practices for both employees and employers to ensure they have strong data security. Maybe you wear a smart watch at work. Be cautious. Phishers try to trick you into clicking on a link that may result in a security breach. Don’t let a simple problem become more complex by attempting to “fix” it. The challenge is getting your team to actually do it. System requirement information on, The price quoted today may include an introductory offer. Educate all employees. Changing and remembering all of your passwords may be challenging. Ensure the security of your data by regularly backing it up. They also make it easy to share passwords across your team, allowing you to collaborate remotely while still following best practices. Android, Google Chrome, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google, LLC. Not for commercial use. This also applies to personal devices you use at work. As more and more data breaches and hacks make the news, affecting businesses ranging from kitchen manufacturer OXO to investment management giant BlackRock, it’s vital that you take the time now to look at where your organization is vulnerable. Remember that cybersecurity is a team effort, and you need to put your employees in a position to succeed. Microsoft and the Window logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. The same is true for your people. Implementing security awareness best practices, and training employees so that they, one, know what is expected of them and, two, remain in compliance, is a must for corporations that want to reduce the odds of, if not completely eliminate the possibility of, data breaches. When you Bring Your Own Device — also known as BYOD — ask your IT department if your device is allowed to access corporate data before you upload anything to it. Hover over links to make sure they go where they say they go. Best email practices for business, Train your employees. Instead, contact your IT department right away. Please feel free to share this view without need of any permission, just reference back the author. Whether you use an outside vendor or run it through your own security department, it’s well worth the investment to test your organization with a “live fire” simulation. That’s why it’s important to be cautious of links and attachments in emails from senders you don’t recognize. In an organization, change needs to happen from the top. Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. As the number of data breaches and hacks continue to rise, it’s vital for your business to take steps to ensure you don’t find yourself in the headlines. Refining email security best practices for employees includes a wide range of options. Far too often social engineers find the company lying around. Having a firewall for the company network and your home network is a first line of defense in helping protect data against cyberattacks. At the same time, you don’t want to flood inboxes so much that your emails head straight to the archives. Wesley Simpson, COO of (ISC)2, suggests in an interview with TechRepublic that we should think about security training as people patching. A password manager can help. New attacks develop monthly, if not daily, and your approach to guarding against them can’t be limited to annual training. Hackers cast a lot of lines to see where they can get a nibble, but a sophisticated attacker with the right information can create a highly-targeted scheme to work their way into your network. The HR department is an important security link because they handle employee data from start to finish. It’s a good idea to work with IT if something like a software update hits a snag. But making that investment early could save companies and employees from the possible financial and legal costs of being breached. While you can set up any manner of systems to protect your business with cybersecurity, the truth is that many attacks target you where you’re most vulnerable: your employees. It’s also important to stay in touch when traveling. Guidelines for Information Security and Records Management for Remote Workers. Best Practices: 1. Here’s a fact that might be surprising. Check the sender email address and name for spoofing, especially when the sender is making an unusual or unexpected request. It might sound obvious, but it’s important not to leak your company’s data, sensitive information, or intellectual property. Scan any attachment before opening it, and check the file extension for anything unusual, like multiple file types. Switching to remote working because of the coronavirus can create cybersecurity problems for employers and employees. How has this person proven they are who they say they are? As far as where to begin with training, Infosec recommends the following: Social engineering attacks are even more nefarious because they target your employees’ need to help people. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The information in this section will offer fundamental security tips while highlighting email security measures you should have in place already. *Important Subscription, Pricing and Offer Details: The number of supported devices allowed under your plan are primarily for personal or household use only. If you have issues adding a device, please contact Member Services & Support. You might receive a phishing email from someone claiming to be from IT. It’s important to protect personal devices with the most up-to-date security. Follow the password best practices as detailed in the next section of this paper. Please login to the portal to review if you can add additional information for monitoring purposes. Your company can help by employing email authentication technology that blocks these suspicious emails. The volume and frequency of attacks will certainly get the message across that everyone needs to be thinking about security in their day-to-day. A VPN is essential when doing work outside of the office or on a business trip. The onus is on the organization to come up with a plan for ensuring everyone has the knowledge they need to make the right decision and knows where to go if they have any questions. System requirement information on If you’re unsure about a policy, ask. Firefox is a trademark of Mozilla Foundation. Strong, complex passwords can help stop cyberthieves from accessing company information. As we’ve discussed, some of the most powerful and effective cyberattacks that are out there today rely on human error. 4. CoxBLUE is powered by Cox Business. It’s changed regularly: Using the same password over and over again means there’s more of a chance for it to be compromised. Teaching employees IT security best practices ensures your business’ cybersecurity. Let your IT department know before you go, especially if you’re going to be using public Wi-Fi. If you’re unsure, IT can help. Cox Business has what your company needs. It’s common for data breaches to begin from within companies. If you are not taking the actions mentioned below, you need to … Remember: just one click on a corrupt link could let in a hacker. Not for commercial use. Instead, it’s best to do a risk assessment. The quicker you report an issue, the better. But keep in mind, some VPNs are safer than others. Create a cybersecurity policy. Organizations can make this part of their AEU policy. You’ll usually be notified that the email has been sent to a quarantine folder, where you can check to see if it’s legitimate or not. In the past, email security best practices for employees could be summarized quickly: Don't trust email, because email is an unauthenticated, unreliable messaging service. Phishers prey on employees in hopes they will open pop-up windows or other malicious links that could have viruses and malware embedded in them. Without good access control protocols, company information remains at risk. Training is everything when it comes to cybersecurity. By the same token, be careful to respect the intellectual property of other companies. An attacker will call or email your organization, posing as a vendor and asking for help. Companies and their employees may also have to monitor third parties, such as consultants or former employees, who have temporary access to the organization’s computer network. For instance, if you share a picture online that shows a whiteboard or computer screen in the background, you could accidentally reveal information someone outside the company shouldn’t see. Backing up data is one of the information security best practices that … Remember to make sure IT is, well, IT. Hackers can even take over company social media accounts and send seemingly legitimate messages. Even if it’s accidental, sharing or using the IP or trade secrets of other companies could get both you and your company into trouble. New attacks are constantly cropping up, and you need to put your employees in a position to succeed. Simple passwords can make access easy. Don’t just rely on your company’s firewall. If you only updated your network devices once a year, your security would be a nightmare. Many people look at the news of a massive data breach and conclude that it’s all the fault of some hapless employee that clicked on the wrong thing. Does it make a difference if you work for a small or midsize company? Run software updates regularly. The best way to show your employees that you intend to take SIEM best practices seriously is to, well, take them seriously in your enterprise’s day-to-day routines. It’s long enough: Longer passwords are exponentially harder to brute-force. You’d never train an employee for a new piece of software without giving them a chance to experiment in a realistic environment where they can put their newly-acquired skills into practice. All of the devices you use at work and at home should have the protection of strong security software. Office Wi-Fi networks should be secure, encrypted, and hidden. Top tactics and best practices for cybersecurity training for employees The purpose behind cybersecurity training for employees is always to alter their habits and behaviors, and create a sense of shared accountability, so that the company is safe from attacks. Since the policies are evolving as cybercriminals become savvier, it’s essential to have regular updates on new protocols. As we’ve cited elsewhere in this article, data breaches are a common occurrence, and there is no shortage of news articles covering the damages to organizations big and small. Americans want smart cities, and they want them now. If your company has a VPN it trusts, make sure you know how to connect to it and use it. First impressions are everything, and cybersecurity is no exception. Here’s a deeper dive into the 10 cybersecurity best practices for businesses that every employee should know and follow. Cybersecurity training needs to include how to recognize phishing and social engineering attacks, password best practices, and the potential cost of a data breach to your business. With so many resources available to businesses to protect their digital assets, like managed IT services that provide top-notch security on a small business budget, hackers have resorted to tactics like spear-phishing and social engineering to find an easy mark. Your team may understand the principles of recognizing a phishing or social engineering attack, but the key is to run those mental checks in the course of a busy workday where you have a million other concerns. There are several best practices for remote workforces using other WiFi networks, including: Change default passwords and user names. Just like with any digital transformation project, if you don’t find a champion who is invested in the value of what you’re trying to do, it’s going to be an uphill battle to justify the man-hours and expenses necessary to implement a solid cybersecurity plan. Best … Learning the process for allowing IT to connect to your devices, along with basic computer hardware terms, is helpful. If you want to back up data to the cloud, be sure to talk to your IT department first for a list of acceptable cloud services. NortonLifeLock, the NortonLifeLock Logo, the Checkmark Logo, Norton, LifeLock, and the LockMan Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NortonLifeLock Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Many organizations need employees to work from home during an emergency. Home Make a phone call if you’re suddenly asked for key information like login credentials. Just like with any organizational transformation project, that means getting your team to buy in and build habits. You need to teach your employees how to identify a “phishy” looking email and where to go if they have questions. It’s part of your job to engage in safe online behavior and to reach out to your IT department when you encounter anything suspicious or need help. 18 Security Leaders & Experts Share the Best Tools & Techniques for Employee Security Awareness Training. That means being clear about what to do if anybody has questions, and setting up the infrastructure necessary to share new threats as they emerge and get everyone invested in organizational security. While it’s true that they may have been the one to fall for the trap, blaming an individual for not having the right knowledge at the right time is really a way of avoiding the organization’s responsibility to ensure its employees keep its network and data secure. It’s also the way most ransomware attacks occur. One of the most important concepts to grasp with cybersecurity is that maintenance is a constant job. Your company may have comprehensive cybersecurity policies for you and coworkers to follow. You’ll also want to know and follow your company’s Acceptable Electronic Use (AEU) policy. Here are eight tips and best practices to help you train your employees for cybersecurity. Training is the key here, as well as constant reminders that there are threats out there and maybe even a “live fire” exercise to show how easily you can fall victim to an attack. That’s why it’s a best practice to secure and back up files in case of a data breach or a malware attack. Related: 8 mostly free best practices for Tightening Internal Data Security. Password security, phishing, and social engineering attacks—all of it needs to be covered from day one. When making a case for investing in regular training (and more) for your employees, you need to speak to executives in terms they can understand. With the remote work trend on the rise, employees need to know that sacrificing security for convenience isn’t an acceptable tradeoff. Throw in some fake corporate branding and you have a recipe for disaster. That knowledge can save time when you contact support and they need quick access and information to resolve an issue. Do you have up-to-date antivirus on all employee computers? So, don’t ignore it, … You’ll find it’s a lot easier to get the support you need. There may be a flaw in the system that the company needs to patch or fix. Beware of phishing. These activities will keep you and the HR team aligned with best practices. Violation of the policy might be a cause for dismissal. This adds an additional layer of protection by asking you to take at least one extra step — such as providing a temporary code that is sent to your smartphone — to log in. Here, again, we see the importance of not blaming an individual employee for something that your business needs to solve—as an organization. The landscape is constantly shifting, and it can be hard for businesses to keep up. Most critically, make sure you’re not just going over the rules but also explaining why these best practices are so important. It’s important to exercise the same caution at work. Remember that it’s better to know about a potential breach as soon as it happens, so make sure you’re creating an environment where sharing is encouraged and avoiding a situation where someone tries to cover up their mistakes and makes a risky situation even worse. Scammers can fake caller ID information. Companies also should ask you to change your passwords on a regular basis. Don’t provide any information. If applicable, check with your technical support staff to determine if a server-hosted solution is available to meet your needs, as this will better ensure that your data is protected and available when you need it. They might not be aware of all threats that occur. Cybercriminals may think small businesses have fewer controls and could be easier to infiltrate. No one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime. Take a look at it if you need more information on how to conduct a risk assessment in your company. You’re only as strong as your weakest link, and when you work with third-party providers their information security downfall can become your issue. You might have plenty to talk about. Hackers often target large organizations, but smaller organizations may be even more attractive. In your daily life, you probably avoid sharing personally identifiable information like your Social Security number or credit card number when answering an unsolicited email, phone call, text message, or instant message. If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of an email or other communication, always contact your security department or security lead. Have you implemented host imaging software to regularly restore systems back to a known good state? Employees are your first line of defense against cybersecurity attacks. Companies may also require multi-factor authentication when you try to access sensitive network areas. Ask your security team to do penetration tests on the HRIS systems and try social engineering attacks on the HR team. 4. -, 10 cybersecurity best practices that every employee should know. You should train employees once a quarter or more, with intermittent “live fire” training exercises and constant reminders about new attacks that have developed and breaches that occur. If you’ve recently received a robocall, you know how easy it is to spoof a phone number. Cyber Security Hub’s “Top 5 Cyber Security Breaches of 2019 So Far” includes incidents that have affected Dunkin’ Donuts, Toyota, and Walmart, and we’re only halfway through the year. Check the email format and ask yourself if there’s anything off about it. And if you are throwing confidential material away, shred it first. Many people look at the news of a massive data breach and conclude that it’s all the fault of some hapless employee that clicked on the wrong thing. Smaller businesses might hesitate when considering the cost of investing in a quality security system. Employees often wear many hats at SMBs, making it essential that all employees accessing the network be trained on your company’s network cyber security best practices and security policies. What to do? A little technical savvy helps, too. Or services for your business ’ cybersecurity idea to work from home you require at least eight characters for account. Email address only review if you ’ re not just going over the rules but also explaining why best. And the HR team aligned with best practices for employees includes a wide range of.. Critically, make sure they know how to train their employees they also make it easy to share view. Businesses might hesitate when considering the cost of a solid organizational security plan posing as guide! Computer network of Apple Inc. Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of,... 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