Cats that roam may need to be confined to a cat run or kept indoors, especially at night. Please be sure to check the name of the plant to determine its toxicity. Sure. The trailing stems look especially beautiful cascading over the … Their brightly-colored leaves (aka bracts) are gorgeous. For example, tradescantia is one to be wary of with dogs as it is a skin irritant. Sage is great if you want to add big flavor to your nom noms without spending beaucoup bucks. I may be best to check in with them before purchasing any plants for your home. To learn more about poisonous plants and your pet, the ASPCA offers detailed lists for dogs and cats of plants that are both toxic and non-toxic. The crinkled leaves are naturally ombré — fading from dark reddish-brown to bright green toward the edges. For dogs, it can cause excess drooling or … Keep the acidic peels away from your pets, along with any branches or leaves from the plant itself. Always do your research if bringing other daisies into the house. Outdoor Poisonous Plants for Dogs. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) can help. Azaleas and Rhododendron - These bright and popular garden shrubs are not only dangerous for cats and dogs, but horses, goats, and sheep, too. This is not a toxic reaction. “While any plant material can cause mild stomach upset, some plants are much more dangerous,” says Tina Wismer, medical director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. If you can get over the creepy fact it’s a flesh-eating plant you may start to see your Venus as a pet in its own right. But are they safe for your pets? Always follow the application instructions on the container (for example, even pet-safe snail baits should be lightly sprinkled and not placed in large handfuls) and dispose of containers safely, where pets can’t find them. Birds are particularly vulnerable to cat predation. Orchids are delicate, elegant flowers. For more information and an extensive list, the RSPCA provide a fantastic resource. The American Orchid Society has some great advice for first-time orchid owners. Planting dog-friendly plants is an essential component of creating your dog-friendly garden. Plants not only add colour, but many houseplants also have air-purifying properties. Plants Safe for Dogs Camellias are the obvious choice to replace an azalea shrub. Toxic Plants . Or move it to an area that you’re positive your pets can’t get to. Not only could eating fertiliser make the dog sick, the dog may damage garden plants in its efforts to locate the source of the fascinating smell that you’ve scattered in the garden! Gardeners who are also pet owners might find it a challenge to select pet-safe flowering plants for containers and flower beds. Click for details. Read on and learn how to keep your best friend safe. It’s also fairly resilient. 2. Plants not only add colour, but many houseplants also have air-purifying properties. For everyone’s ease of mind, the garden needs to meet the needs of our pets and be their safe haven. Place them in a hanging basket or on a windowsill. Chamomile. These succulents are colorful, simple to care for, and happy in both indoor and outdoor gardens, though they must be protected from frost in cooler hardiness zones.With their compact rosettes (often brightly colored) and blooms that rise on tall stalks, these striking plants are safe for your dogs and make for a delightful centerpiece. Large houseplants like the weeping fig make a bold statement in the home but are toxic to cats and dogs. Some houseplants are poisonous to pets. While chamomile is safe in products for dogs, you want to avoid your dog's contact with the actual plant. It won’t take too much work for you and your plant to become BFFs. If you're looking for indoor plant suggestions, click here. Our RSPCA Dog Care Experts have pulled together a list of plants and herbs that are not only pretty to look at, but have added physical and mental health benefits for your precious pup. The toxicity of plants differs between dogs and cats. Dr. Amy Wolff. Every pet owner knows their dog or cat will chew on anything it can sink its teeth into, whether that's a toy, shoe, or ball of yarn. You can prune them to look more like a tree or a shrub — whatever works best for your yard. Their dark green leaves are speckled with pale pink spots (or is it the other way around?). Digging, eating plants or wearing paths in the lawn are a few of the potential problems dogs cause to landscaping. It thrives in low light, doesn’t need a lot of water, and requires no pruning. Crepe myrtles don’t provide much shade but they sure are pretty! Learn how to create a dog-friendly garden with pet-friendly plants, hardscapes, and pet play areas to be enjoyed by you and your dogs. There are some plants and flowers listed below that are non-toxic to dogs but can have serious adverse reactions to cats. They’re pet-safe and easy to care for. It is much more difficult to control the plants that your dog is exposed outdoors versus indoors. There are some plants and flowers listed below that are non-toxic to dogs but can have serious adverse reactions to cats. But you can avoid an emergency veterinary visit by switching to nontoxic plants. Its long leafy vines look great in a hanging planter. We take good care of our fur babies and want them to be safe and healthy. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. They kinda look like aloe but won’t give your pet a nasty case of the trots. Those plants to watch out for include plants with berries, which can be attractive to animals but may be toxic if consumed, and plants with toxic sap that animals may chew and which could cause irritation or even poisoning. They have an online tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. This guide will help you choose the best pooch-friendly plants that are safe to have around dogs. They can live indoors but should be kept near a humidifier. Dr Chris Brown is also passionate about keeping dogs safe from toxic plants and other dangers in his guide to a dog-friendly backyard. Keep your home fragrant and your dog safe by picking bunches of flowers containing pet-friendly stems, and avoiding those that can be deadly to dogs. It’s the perfect addition to your windowsill herb garden. Include plenty of green space as well. Want to add a straight-up tree to your life? While we work at making the garden safe for our pets, we also need to keep it as safe as possible for visiting birds and native animals. To avoid an emergency vet visit stick to nontoxic varieties. Toxic Plants . We feed them the best food and take them in for regular visits to the vet, but we may not consider all the plants poisonous to dogs that surround us. If you have a pet, or are thinking of adopting one, you've probably already thought about ways to make your backyard more pet friendly. While the list of dog safe plants might look comparatively short, it actually includes many popular, easy-to-care-for, and striking flowers that will make your dog safe garden look amazing. “It’s popular for people in my area to have sago palms around their swimming pools since they look like mini palm trees and are easier to keep than actual palm trees,” says Sara Ochoa, DVM, who practices in a small animal hospital in East Texas. Dogs and cats are attracted to the smell and taste of many plants, and they may often chew flowers and foliage that are toxic (either to them, or toxic in general). They may need more TLC than other plants. Some dogs may chew on branches, sticks and even woody mulches, which can lead to choking or other injuries. Spider ivy or a spider plant is a common household perennial that will be safe for your dog. They do have “teeth” after all. Most, nearly all, Echeveria are safe for pets. Keep your pet safe from toxic plants and household poisons is the topic of our three-part blog series. Grass seeds may also embed in dogs' skin or ears. Keep your garden pest-and-insect-free with a scattering of marigolds. For an entire list of plants that are dangerous to dogs as well as a list of plants that are safe for dogs, see the ASPCA’s article: Toxic and Nontoxic Plants. Plants on the Flower Power 'pet-safe outdoor plants' list include plants for all parts of the garden starting with groundcover (baby’s tears, spider plant), flowering (African daisies, snapdragons, orchids, fuchsia, petunia), shrubs (bottlebrush, camellia) and trees (crepe myrtle, magnolia). They look beautiful and have a variety of colors ranging from yellow to blue and red. There is no sure shot way to know that your dog has plant poisoning as symptoms may vary depending on the flower or the plant. These can grow up to 2 feet tall so be sure to give them some space. Bee balm plants have bright green foliage and flowers that range from pale pink to scarlet red. While some plants may be harmful, it must be noted that most garden plants are safe, and indeed rarely of any interest to your pets. Create a place where your plants and pets can flourish in harmony. Here are 11 benefits to having plants in your life. The majority won’t cause much more than an upset stomach, and most dogs won’t eat plants that are poisonous to them. Some plants may lead to skin allergies upon contact. Symptoms include: vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors. Most cats need a scratching post, while dogs need somewhere to exercise, alongside a secure fence to keep them in the garden instead of roaming the street or pestering the neighbours. We have prepared a list of non-toxic, 18 Low Light Indoor Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs, approved by ASPCA. . Rich soil, bright light, and regular watering will emulate the natural habitat of the banana. They love the sunshine, so they’re great outdoors in hanging baskets or in flowerbeds. Use cedar chip mulch, smooth stones and rounded pebbles for pups. Most camellias will grow taller than most azaleas, but they don't mind being pruned to keep them smaller. One of the easiest ways to breathe some life into a room is with the addition of a plant or two. The essential oils in citrus plants and the peel can cause vomiting, drooling, depression, weakness, and possibly even liver failure in cats. Zinnias are perfect for your flower beds because — unlike many flowers — they love unrelenting sun. Give your interior a gorgeous touch of these houseplants & stay assured for your pets! Written by SaVanna Shoemaker, MS, RDN, LD, How to Bring More Color Into Plantstagram with @blackmenwithgardens, 25 Indoor Plants That Thrive in Low Light, How Plants Bring Joy and Control to Our Brains During Chaos, New Plant Parent? Echeveria is a pleasantly symmetric and low-maintenance type of succulent. The Haworthia attenuata has a zebra design that’s the perfect natural touch to a modern interior. The list below is by no means exhaustive, and you can view the ASPCA’s complete list for dogs, cats, and horses by clicking here. Often it is only younger animals – especially puppies and some kittens – or dogs that are bored or lonely that may try to chew or eat the plants as they explore the world around them. They get nearly 14,000 calls a year related to pet scares from the garden and can help with quick, possibly life-saving guidance. When it comes to plants, dogs usually aren’t that smart about knowing what’s safe to chew on. Lipstick plants have long vines that spill out of their containers. Here are 23 nontoxic plants for every aesthetic and budget. Botanical Name: Beaucarnea recurvata. Basil varieties are safe for your pets. However, some garden plants can be lethal to dogs. Herbs, Vegetables, and other Edible Plants That Are Dangerous for Dogs 1. Find your plant a new home if it’s toxic. Plants with sticky or prickly seeds - such as forget-me-nots, bindii and some grassy weeds - can also be harmful to pets, as the seeds may stick in their coats or paws. They’re a great addition to your bedroom or living room. It's worth noting, however, that most plants, even dangerous ones, are usually of no interest to pets - and the benefits of a pet having access to a garden space and outdoor exercise far outweigh concerns about dangers from plants. They fill up with clusters of white flowers that grow into dark red berries. Dogs are mans best friend. They’re a perfect indoor potted plant and thrive in indirect light. *DISCLAIMER: while these plants may be calming and comforting for our four-legged friends, they are not a quick fix to cure clinical anxiety or depression. They bloom from spring all the way to the first frost. Dog-friendly plants are hardy and non-toxic yet beautiful. The best part? Spider ivy or a spider plant is a common household perennial that will be safe for your dog. The drawback, though, is that some of the most popular houseplants are also toxic to pets and children. Ponytail Plant . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Writer Nelson ZePequeno and curator behind @blackmenwithgardens shares the time he came to realize how Instagram has whitewashed nature. Thinking about starting an herb garden? A lovely herb often used in teas and in aromatherapy for soothing and calming nerves, the chamomile plant is toxic to dogs. Individual plants may differ in appearance from the photos used on our listings. They all have large, glossy leaves and attractive flower clusters (technically called umbrels). But unlike elephant ears, they’re nontoxic. Here are 15 common plants that are safe for dogs to be around, based on information provided by the ASPCA. It’s also another pet-safe candidate for your windowsill herb garden. (Just keep in mind that pets should not be munching large amounts of any plant.) While chamomile is safe in products for dogs, you want to avoid your dog's contact with the actual plant. Plants on the Flower Power 'pet-safe outdoor plants' list include plants for all parts of the garden starting with groundcover (baby’s tears, spider plant), flowering (African daisies, snapdragons, orchids, fuchsia, petunia), shrubs (bottlebrush, camellia) and trees (crepe myrtle, magnolia). Feed me, Seymour! Submit your order online & your local store will be in touch with a quote. They include snapdragons, Michaelmas daisies, camellias, honeysuckle, rose, sunflowers, elaeagnus, centaurea (cornflower), impatiens and calendula. Also, be advised that the consumption of any plant material may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset for dogs and cats. Herbs, Vegetables, and other Edible Plants That Are Dangerous for Dogs 1. It prefers to grow in humid, indirect sunlight, which is why it grows best indoors. Chamomile. While some varieties such as sago palm are toxic to pets, many others are safe. Cats and dogs may even chew on houseplants during play sessions, attacking waving fronds as they would a toy. Unwanted critters like rabbits, squirrels, and deer will steer clear because they dislike the taste. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance indoor flowering plant, the African violet is def for you. Our content does not constitute a medical consultation. These plants are easy to please so maintenance should be a breeze. Store empty pots and other containers carefully and securely and don’t let dogs get hold of them when you're planting. A few basic pet-friendly landscaping tricks can keep the yard looking attractive while keeping your dog safe. Bringing nature inside turns a boring house into a cozy home—as long as said nature isn’t toxic to your pup. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Some snail and rodent baits are highly dangerous for our pets - particularly dogs, which are often attracted to the baits. Some potent herbs — like rosemary and oregano — can make your pets sick. Plan your garden by drawing a basic diagram of what you’d like your garden to look like – there are quite a few on-line tools you can use to help you plan and draw your new garden. All rosemary is suitable for culinary use and is considered a dog-safe plant, but this creeping variety is a hardy way to fill empty spaces in your yard with a low, fluffy cloud of evergreen. Many dogs will seek out and eat blood and bone fertiliser. Dogs are mans best friend. Some fertilisers – especially blood and bone products and some manures  – are also very attractive to pets, particularly dogs. They do best indoors where it’s easier to manage their environment. Plus they’re so cool. Signs Of Plant Poisoning: When To See The Vet. Adam-and-Eve (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae The bad news is that once you start buying them you might not be able to stop. Take a look and find your new foliage friend. ddc4a0c6-352f-4d40-9af0-edc53ac25392 Editor's Picks. Spider plants like indirect sunlight and cool air. Very thorny or spiny plants may also be dangerous at eye level. Plus, you’ll save like 50 cents a week growing your own bananas! We’ve tried to include dog-safe annuals as well as dog-safe perennials, plus indoor and outdoor options. Some cats also fish in ponds, so if you have fish, keep the pond netted to avoid unscheduled fishing expeditions. Longing for a tropical look? They get nearly 14,000 calls a year related to pet scares from the garden and can help with quick, possibly life-saving guidance. Another garden danger for pets, particularly dogs, is plastic containers, such as seed punnets and plastic pots. Here’s the list of beautiful basil varieties like this purple basil in the above picture that you can grow. Basil is the bomb. Also known as the Japanese aralia or false castor oil plant, the figleaf palm is an interesting-looking dog-friendly plant for yards. Either way, it’s got major Sailor Jupiter vibes and we’re here for it. Daylilies. Rosemary. Parlor palm ( Chamaedorea elegans ), bamboo palm ( Chamaedorea seifrizii ), Areca palm ( Dypsis lutescens ) and ponytail palm ( Beaucarnea recurvata ) are just a few that won’t harm pets if any part of the plants is … Here are the 23 nontoxic plants that won’t hurt your fluffy friends. They stand up best to your dog's daily rigors and bounce back from abuse. Plants on the Flower Power 'pet-safe outdoor plants' list include plants for all parts of the garden starting with groundcover ... Baits that contain metaldehyde can kill dogs - so always buy pet-safe products, and keep all chemicals, even pet-safe ones, stored out of reach of pets (as well as children). This price guide will let you know how much your new green BFFs will cost. Make sure you're not growing poisonous plants and buy pet safe indoor plants instead. Most of our Landscape Centres open earlier than stores. It’s a very low-maintenance indoor plant. Annoying? Many woody shrubs tolerate aggressive pruning and stand up to most canine activities. But vines are also incredibly versatile, serving many a landscaping need. It loves cool temps and indirect light. As dog owners and experienced pet sitters, we know that there are certain things we always need to be aware of to keep our pals healthy and safe, including how they interact with other dogs, what medications or supplements they take, and what food they eat. It’s easy to become eche-very-addicted. From pet-safe pesticides to the plants, flowers and herbs you should avoid, here’s how to get your backyard in shape for sharing with dogs, cats and rabbits. Clematis. Dog friendly plants. Banana plants have the same lush vibe. Before you start planting your “dog friendly” garden, think about what type of plants you want to grow. Bromeliads only flower once, right before they die. A number of plants and flowers can be safely planted around dogs, but we’ll discuss nine of the best options for dog owners below. Either avoid using these products if your dog has shown an interest in them, or ensure that the product is mixed in to the soil thoroughly, so it is less appealing. Dog-Safe Shade Perennials. Banana plants are a safe alternative to elephant ears. Herbs such as sage, thyme, and cilantro. They’re also pet friendly! These succulents are colorful, simple to care for, and happy in both indoor and outdoor gardens, though they must be protected from frost in cooler hardiness zones.With their compact rosettes (often brightly colored) and blooms that rise on tall stalks, these striking plants are safe for your dogs and make for a delightful centerpiece. These plants are dog friendly: Astilbe Erica; Freesia Greenbell Lisianthus Limonium Olive Pitto Pussy willow Roses Scabiosa Snapdragons Statice Stock Veronica Waxflower; Plants slightly poisonous to dogs. Keep in mind, orchids can be a bit fussy. Dogs love treats, but unfortunately our furry friends don't always realize that gardens are not designed purely for their gastronomic delight. The drawback, though, is that some of the most popular houseplants are also toxic to pets and children. Dwarf banana plants make great houseplants. Read on and learn how to keep your best friend safe. If you’re searching for Safe Plants for Dogs, this list of 19 Dog Friendly Plants can be very helpful. Others are picky and high-maintenance. You can keep them inside or outside. (Just keep in mind that pets should not be munching large amounts of any plant.) Finally, as summer heats up, please keep your dog safe from another outdoor danger: blue green algae. These little cuties top out at 10 inches tall. Pets enjoy simple pleasures - they love sunny and sheltered places in the garden where they can enjoy a mid-morning nap, as well as plentiful vantage points to view the world around them. Bringing nature inside turns a boring house into a cozy home—as long as said nature isn’t toxic to your pup. Scientific name: Anthemis nobilis. But the plant looks great even when it’s not flowering. A fern in a hanging macrame basket is total a e s t h e t i c. Sadly, some ferns are toxic to pets. It’s 100 percent pet-safe. Use them to make your salads extra pretty. Baits that contain metaldehyde can kill dogs - so always buy pet-safe products, and keep all chemicals, even pet-safe ones, stored out of reach of pets (as well as children). The wax plant (aka hoya) has thick, green leaves and tiny clusters of flowers that look like (you guessed it!) The hawthorn berry tree is the way to go. We now support online ordering. We feed them the best food and take them in for regular visits to the vet, but we may not consider all the plants poisonous to dogs that surround us. When sharing a love for both plants and furry friends, stay on the safe side with our dog and cat friendly indoor plants. Banana plants have the same lush vibe. Banana plants are a safe alternative to elephant ears. Plants are bae. They like indirect light and thrive indoors. Make informed decisions about the types of plants to include in your home and outdoor space to keep your home pet safe. Last medically reviewed on August 21, 2020. One of the easiest ways to breathe some life into a room is with the addition of a plant or two. Most toxic garden plants, such as granny’s bonnet, bluebells and hellebores, need to be eaten in such huge quantities to cause harm, that they’re very unlikely to do so. But unlike elephant ears, they’re nontoxic. On your diagram, decide which flowers and plants would work best in the sunny and shady areas of your yard, what plants are best suited for your region and … It can be difficult to keep a houseplant away from a pet with a determination to chew, so it's up to us to ensure that any plants we cultivate in the home are safe and non-toxic to cats and dogs. Most importantly, all pets that spend time outdoors need constant access to fresh water, shade and shelter from rain. Many dogs like to play with and chew plastic items, but these can be brittle and easily ingested. These plants are dog friendly: Astilbe Erica; Freesia Greenbell Lisianthus Limonium Olive Pitto Pussy willow Roses Scabiosa Snapdragons Statice Stock Veronica Waxflower If you notice your pup has a tendency to explore with their mouth, ensure you keep your yard clear, collect and secure any fallen debris, and if you need to use a mulch, choose one that is less likely to cause issues. © 2020 Greatist a Red Ventures Company. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis. Pet-friendly landscaping uses an organic approach to gardening that is safer and healthier for our families and dog friends. If you own a canine friend who has the run of the yard, make sure you choose vines that, unlike the following examples, are not poisonous to dogs: English ivy ( Hedera helix) Morning glory ( Ipomoea tricolor) Wisteria. But thyme is totally safe (and yummy). Here are 15 common plants that are safe for dogs to be around, based on information provided by the ASPCA. If you want to spruce up your home without the worry, consider these plants instead. If you want to spruce up your home without the worry, consider these plants instead. Part one in our series is ‘Dogs and Toxic Plants in Australia’. If you suspect you dog has gotten into one of the plants below, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately. It loves sun so you can also plant it outside. In the summer they practically explode with pink, red, or purple blooms. Not only is it pet safe, it tastes good on almost everything. Outdoor sage might attract pollinators if left to flower — always a good thing. They also make a perfect border for your veggie garden, as they attract pollinators like bees and ladybugs. Some of the best plants for sheer elegance and an exotic look, many outdoor palms can also be grown as houseplants. With countless varieties, you’ll def find a new green friend that works for your aesthetic and budget. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Spider plants are pet-safe and resilient AF. The thyme is now! Make informed decisions about the types of plants to include in your home and outdoor space to keep your home pet safe. The polka dot plant is one-of-a-kind. Keep your home fragrant and your dog safe by picking bunches of flowers containing pet-friendly stems, and avoiding those that can be deadly to dogs. Dog-Friendly plants is an interesting-looking dog-friendly plant for yards your fave plant into a cozy long! Make your pets sick, some garden plants can bring a lot of comfort to our lives location! Big flavor to your perennial shade garden, and sometimes they will eat to! To manage their environment ve tried to include in your home phone number: ( 888 426-4435! Down the scientific names of these plants alongside their common names and pets can flourish in most our..., plus indoor and outdoor space to keep your fruit trees, veggie beds and roses blooming happy... 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